Driver's Education

There will be two sessions, each session with an AM or PM option.

  • Session 1: May 27–June 10
  • Session 2: June 12-26

To enroll in Driver's Ed, students must be 14 years old by May 27 for session 1 or June 12 for session 2 and be going into 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade for the 2025-2026 school year. Only students who attend Washburn Rural are eligible.

An online sign-up will be sent via Campus Portal the first week of March to register. A mandatory enrollment meeting for those who sign up will be on March 25 from 6:00 to 7:00 PM in the Washburn Rural High School cafeteria. Students need to attend this meeting to fill out enrollment forms, sign the application, and take a vision test. Course fee is $225.

View this flier for more information.

Questions may be directed to Keith Wetzel at 339-4116 or